New Developments in the Estate Tax Law, Are You Affected?
A new development occurred on January 1, 2010, that affects the vast majority of our clients. Changes to the federal estate tax will affect our estate planning clients, while changes to the way capital gains will be calculated will affect all of our clients, including our elder law clients. The lawyers at Oast & Hook have studied the potential impact of the repeal of the federal estate tax and the generation skipping transfer tax, and Oast & Hook will present a free seminar to those who think they could be affected by these changes. Make sure your estate plan is not obsolete. Reserve your seat now. Oast & Hook will present this seminar twice on February 22nd at the Virginia Beach Central Library, 4100 Virginia Beach Boulevard, Virginia Beach, Virginia 23452. The first presentation begins at 10:00 a.m., and the second presentation begins at 4:00 p.m. If you have any questions about this seminar or if you would like to register for it, then please phone Oast & Hook at 757-399-7506.