Why should I hire you to assist me when I can purchase a will, power of attorney and other legal documents on the Internet?
Anyone can buy documents on the Internet; however, documents are tools and not a plan. Good tools cannot build a fine piece of furniture that requires the skills of a cabinet maker. At Hook Law Center, our attorneys and financial planners are highly skilled and experienced in the practice of elder law. Annually we update our skills with continuing education so that we stay abreast of the latest developments in both Federal and State laws.
When you hire Hook Law Center, we assist you in reviewing your circumstances and objectives and developing a custom estate and a financial plan that reflects you specific circumstances and will accomplish your objectives, not a generic solution. Then we put the plan into effect together with the appropriate decisions and documents. Your plan, developed and completed with our assistance, will pay for itself by reducing your administrative expenses, taxes and stress.
In our opinion, failing to create an estate and financial plan with professional assistance is planning to fail.