Guardianships & Conservatorships
Sometimes life gets complicated, and it requires that you step in for the welfare and safety of a loved one. When the need arises to establish a guardianship or conservatorship, you’ll be glad to have the steady and sure guidance of an experienced Hook Law attorney to lean on.
Guardianships & Conservatorships
Pursuing guardianship of a loved one, or putting into place a designated guardian as part of a long-term estate plan, can be a complex, emotionally-laden process. Let the experienced estate planning attorneys of Hook Law guide you every step of the way.
Asset Protection
Crafting a plan to protect your assets is one of the most important things you can do for yourself and your family. Real property, personal property, bank accounts, stocks, bonds, retirement accounts and life insurance policies. You’ve worked hard for it all. Now is the time to make sure it’s protected.

Tailored Solutions
- Domestic Asset Protection Trusts
- Legacy & Disability Planning
- Wills & Trusts
- Durable Power of Attorney
- Advance Medical Directives
- Beneficiary Designations
- Conservator Appointments
- Elder Abuse Representation & Undue Influence Litigation