Category: Hook Law News
Someone Has Power of Attorney Over Your Family Member: Can You Request Information?
Rachel H. Snead
Can a nursing home sue an agent under a power of attorney for unpaid bills?
Emily A. Martin
Attorney, Shareholder
The Dangers of Holographic (Handwritten) Wills
Rachel H. Snead
Recent Updates: Dental Benefits Under Virginia Medicaid, Medicaid Treatment of COVID-19 Relief Payments, & COVID-19 Funeral Assistance
Jennifer S. Rossettini
Attorney, Shareholder, CFP®
Britney Spears’ Conservatorship Highlights Flaws in the Legal System
Emily A. Martin
Attorney, Shareholder
Recent Development in the Law: Strope-Robinson v. State Farm Fire & Casualty Co.
Rachel H. Snead
FDA Grants Approval for Alzheimer’s Drug
Emily A. Martin
Attorney, Shareholder
Transferring Your Home to Your Trust: What If There Is a Mortgage?
Jennifer S. Rossettini
Attorney, Shareholder, CFP®
Do Medicaid recipients need to “spend down” their stimulus money?
Emily A. Martin
Attorney, Shareholder